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What Does IFS Therapy Treat and How Can It Help?

Internal Family Systems, Laryssa Creswell

Are you struggling in relationships with loved ones, experiencing emotional distress, or dealing with the effects of trauma? Perhaps you have tried therapy and, while it helped for a period of time, you return to old patterns of behavior in disruptive ways of thinking.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy is a unique therapy practice that treats your mind as a series of ‘parts’ that are often in conflict with one another. IFS Therapy treats a wide range of personal mental health issues. In this article, we will dive deeper into the question, “What does IFS Therapy treat and how can it help me?”

At Fearlessly Inspired Therapeutic Solutions (FITS) in Maryland and DC, we use IFS because we have seen the remarkable healing that often takes place. We hope to give you a clearer idea about how IFS can help and its benefits, so you can make an informed decision about your own unique healing journey.


What is IFS Therapy?

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy operates under the belief that everyone’s mind is composed of ‘parts,’ each with unique characteristics, functions, and perspectives. These ‘parts’ are like subpersonalities with unique ways of thinking, feeling, and interacting with the world. While these ‘parts’ often work together, there can also be conflict, especially when they are affected by past traumatic experiences.


IFS Therapy divides these ‘parts’ into three categories:

1. Managers: Seek to maintain control and order.

2. Exiles: Carry painful emotions and memories.

3. Firefighters: Extinguish emotional pain, often through impulsive or harmful behaviors.


At the heart of these parts, IFS emphasizes the existence of the ‘Self,’ a compassionate and confident presence that is able to lead and heal the internal system. The goal of IFS therapy is to help you access this Self and facilitate a harmonious relationship between it and the other parts, promoting inner healing and personal growth.


The Unburdening Process

The Unburdening Process refers to the practice of releasing the extreme beliefs, emotions, and physical sensations that ‘burdened’ parts carry. These extreme beliefs and feelings are often the result of past trauma or negative life experiences. These ‘burdened’ parts can manifest in many ways, such as feeling anxious, experiencing distress, or struggling to relate to and interact with other people.

In the unburdening process, the individual, led by their ‘Self’, acknowledges, empathizes with, and ultimately heals these burdened parts. This healing leads to uplifting shifts in behavior, emotion, and self-perception. Unburdening is a deeply freeing experience, creating a greater sense of self-compassion, internal harmony, and overall well-being.


What Does IFS Therapy Treat?

IFS Therapy can be helpful to anyone dealing with mental health issues, family issues, difficulties relating to others, a negative perception of yourself, and more. IFS Therapy can create a deeper level of self-understanding in a way that other techniques or experiences cannot.


IFS Therapy for Mental Health Disorders

IFS has been shown to be particularly effective in treating various mental health disorders. Here are some of the more common mental health issues that IFS Therapy treats:



If you are struggling with anxiety, you are well acquainted with constant worrying, unending nervousness, and paralyzing fear. If you are experiencing anxiety, you have ‘parts’ that are in a state of constant alert, fearing potential dangers, even when no real danger is present. IFS helps identify these anxious parts, understand their intentions, and guide them toward less fear-driven thoughts and behaviors. By helping someone connect with these parts, IFS can reduce the severity of anxiety symptoms and lead to greater calm and security.



Depression can manifest in persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities. Depression can be absolutely debilitating. IFS therapy deals with depression by connecting the ‘exiled’ parts that harbor these feelings and the ‘manager’ parts that work to suppress these feelings. The IFS process allows for the release of these burdens, helping to relieve symptoms of depression. Through IFS, you can learn to look at your inner world in a way that fosters more positive thinking, self-compassion, and hope.


PTSD, Trauma, and Complex PTSD 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can occur after a traumatic event, leading to symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. In IFS therapy, the ‘parts’ that are stuck reliving these traumatic experiences are identified. IFS allows for safe and controlled access to these burdened parts, supporting their healing and integration. This practice can help reduce trauma-related symptoms, leading to recovery and a more peaceful existence.


IFS Therapy for Relationships and Family Issues

Navigating relationships and family dynamics can be difficult and emotionally draining. Communication breakdowns, misunderstandings, unresolved conflict, and negative patterns of behavior, can lead to emotional disconnection and distress. Internal Family Systems Therapy can address these issues and nurture healthier, more satisfying relationships.

At the heart of IFS Therapy is the understanding that our interactions with others are not just influenced by our ‘Self’, but also by the various ‘parts’ within us. When a protective or wounded part takes the lead in an interaction, it can trigger similar parts in the other person.

For example, a ‘manager’ part driven by the need for control might trigger a rebellious ‘firefighter’ part in a partner, child, or parent, resulting in a cycle of conflict. Or an ‘exile’ carrying feelings of rejection might interpret even neutral actions as abandonment, leading to patterns of insecurity and emotional withdrawal in relationships.

Through IFS Therapy, you can gain insight into these internal dynamics and how they play out in your relationships. You can learn to identify when a ‘part’ is leading an interaction and how to bring your ‘Self’–characterized by qualities such as calmness, compassion, and clarity–back into the driver’s seat. This shift allows for healthier communication, based not on reactive parts-driven patterns, but on conscious, empathetic understanding–leading to more fulfilling relationships.


IFS Therapy for Personal Development and Self-awareness

Personal development and self-awareness can be an uphill journey, filled with self-doubt, a lack of direction, ingrained negative patterns, and struggles with self-acceptance. You may find yourself grappling with these obstacles, seeking tools and insights that can help you on your journey of personal growth and self-fulfillment.

IFS provides a comprehensive framework to view and understand yourself. Recognizing a ‘part’ that is overly critical or fearful, for example, can shine a light on the roots of self-doubt. Understanding these ‘parts’ nurtures self-compassion and acceptance, which are crucial stepping stones on the path of personal growth. Furthermore, IFS promotes differentiation between the ‘Self’ and the parts, triggering a profound shift in self-perception and awakening a sense of empowerment, authenticity, and wholeness. Ultimately, IFS serves as more than a therapeutic model; it’s a roadmap guiding you toward becoming a more balanced, fulfilled, and authentic version of yourself.

By understanding the question, “What does IFS Therapy treat?” you can make an informed decision about how IFS can help you.


Evidence for IFS Therapy’s Effectiveness

IFS Therapy’s effectiveness is increasingly being supported by empirical research, clinical trials, case studies, and countless patient testimonials.


Review of Research Studies and Clinical Trials

Numerous research studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of IFS Therapy. For example, a 2017 study in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy found IFS to be effective in treating college-age women with severe depression. In another study published in the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, IFS Therapy demonstrated a significant reduction in PTSD symptoms among a group of survivors of childhood trauma.


Benefits of IFS Therapy

IFS Therapy offers many benefits that can lead to self-fulfillment and internal healing. Here are some key benefits of IFS:

  • Increased self-awareness that leads to improved decision-making and healthier coping strategies.
  • Effective trauma resolution that helps to reconcile traumatic experiences and reduce symptoms of PTSD and trauma
  • Improved relationship dynamics that can promote understanding and communication in your relationships.
  • Personal growth and development that helps you to align with your true values and aspirations, creating self-fulfillment and contentedness


How Fearlessly Inspired Therapeutic Solutions Can Help

At Fearlessly Inspired Therapeutic Solutions (FITS)  in Maryland and DC, we believe in IFS Therapy, because we have seen it work to improve the lives of our clients.

Our skilled and compassionate therapists are trained in the IFS model, providing a supportive environment for clients to explore their internal system of parts and uncover their true ‘Self’.

We understand that every individual is unique, and we’re committed to tailoring our approach to meet your specific needs and goals.

Our goal is to empower you to lead your life with confidence, compassion, and a deep understanding of your inner world. If you’re ready to embark on a journey of healing, growth, and self-discovery, FITS is here to help.


Contact Us

If you want to know more about the question, “What does IFS Therapy treat?” or IFS in general, contact us for a free 15-minute consultation or call us at 301-750-1065.